Hello lovely people....
I am hoping this finds you peaceful ....
Isn't it amazing how many emotions we go through on a daily basis? Especially now
with atrocities and challenges and demands bombarding us for most of the day....
I created my new album to address this very thing...Everyone I talk with is feeling overwhelmed
and so we all need a moment to breathe, so send a prayer, to sit in gratitude, to feel love, and to release tears that may be stored in our hearts.....I'm hoping you can take 5 minutes , lie back,
put one hand on your heart, and one on your stomach, and breathe while listening to this track.
I guarantee when you are done, you will feel calmer than when you began.
Let me know your experience!and feel free to post and share if you have a positive experience...
#lisbethscottmusic #calmandcomfort sending you much love and light always! xo Lisbeth
https://youtu.be/P2PPS8a_zbA the video
https://fanlink.to/breathing-ocean-waves the audio